How to Prepare and Write MBBS Exams Successfully in 14 Days

How to Prepare and Write MBBS Exams Successfully in 14 Days

How to Prepare and Write MBBS Exams Successfully in 14 Days: The MBBS (Bachelor of Medicine, Bachelor of Surgery) is a professional examination written by students seeking a career in Medicine at a different level of their studies. Thus, you can rightly say that MBBS is an undergraduate examination taken at various stages for those interested in becoming Doctors. It does not matter whether you are preparing for your 2nd MBBS exam or 3rd MBBS exam. You will get to find how to scale through those tough medical school exams here easily.


The MBBS is one of the most important professional degrees that you must have to qualify as a medical doctor anywhere in the world.  It is a 7 years program plus a one-year compulsory internship for you to get the degree. They are many medical fields that require a successful MBBS exam before you become inducted to practice. The various medical discipline includes; Anatomy, medicine and surgery, Medical Laboratory, and others.

One of the eligibility criteria to prepare and pass the MBBS exam is that you must have been given admission to the college or university to study any of the related courses. They are private and government-owned study institutions for MBBS. Private institutions are usually very expensive as compared to the subsidized cost of government-owned institutions. Regardless of where you belong, the MBBS exam requires a certain degree of preparedness to study and pass the exam.

I do not know how scared you are about the MBBS examination in your school. Probably, you must have been told some horrible stuff about how medical students fail easily. One thing you must have in order to be successful in the exam is confidence and courage. This helps you to focus more and be dedicated when studying for the MBBS exam.

The essence of this article is to show you a detailed guideline of tips and well-proven-to-be successful practices to prepare and pass your MBBS exam in a few days. Like we said earlier, every doctor in the world wrote and passed the MBBS exams. You are the next in line to write and pass your own MBBS exam successfully.

So if you are ready, follow the working strategy below to be successful in the MBBS exam.

How to Prepare and Write MBBS Exams Successfully in 14 Days

We have taken our time to ask a few successful candidates that just concluded MBBS exams to share with us their tips on how to prepare for the examination. The information below contains a summary of what we gathered from those we interviewed.

Plan your Syllabus:  Strategic planning with a purpose can not be underrated when it comes to being successful in your exams or any project. The 2nd MBBS exam contains Anatomy, Physiology, and Biochemistry. Draft a reading schedule on time probably 2 months ahead of the examination period. Follow your schedule religiously. This will make it easier for you to be familiar with some terms and topics. When you start reading on time, it gives you time to be more relaxed and get detailed information.

READ MORE: How to Prepare and Write MBBS Exams Successfully in 14 Days

Organize the Syllabus: An organization of your syllabus should be considered in points 1 and 2. Since Anatomy, Physiology, and Biochemistry are all courses included in the MBBS, find the hardest for you and focus on it. Though the difficulty level of these courses is not really high, if you find issues with them, then read more.

I will suggest you go through the harder courses first and move on to the easier ones. Go back again to them and review them by revising the whole curriculum. Keep doing it over and over again until you become good at them.

Refer to other books: Some students preparing for the MBBS exam believes that the notebooks and other lecturer’s materials are sufficient for them. There is no debate as to their position. However, in some cases, it is wise for you to read other books in the same field to broaden your knowledge.

It helps you to gain more understanding if you go through other textbooks by different professors in that field. They are quality texts, and materials you can always find in the library to help you out.

Solve Numerous Questions: When you are done with your reading, you should solve questions. The essence of this is that it helps you to understand better the things you have read.  The more questions you attempt, the better you become. Getting ready and prepared for the MBBS exam is not an easy task, so you should do the necessary things to succeed in it.

Practice Model Papers: You should take your time and go through the internet or your school library to find the past questions on that particular subject you are preparing to write. There are several materials you will find online. This will really help you to be more prepared to face the questions in the exam hall.

Try to be cool and be healthy: It is normal to have exam pressure when you are preparing for an MBBS exam. Avoid anything that will make you tenser. Try as much as possible to avoid relationship issues, both emotionally, physically, and otherwise.

Learn how to eat good food that will help your brain to assimilate more. This is because you will need more level of concentration at this moment of your life than at any other moment. So try as much as you can to have an emotional balance at this point in your life.

Refer to online Content: The online study system has become very educative these days. Take advantage of that development. Use your smartphones, laptops, and other devices to find courses online. You can also access youtube videos and other blogs for information that will help you to prepare better for the MBBS examination.

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You will find different cheap online courses from various platforms like Udemy and the rest. Follow the course outline deliberately to gain extra knowledge of that particular topic.

Try to study Smartly: You will find out that despite your level of concentration, some of the chapters were actually difficult for you to finish. This is because you might have paid lesser attention to them while doing your early reading and study. It is very important that you go back to those topics and do another round of study on them. Research for materials, and seek assistance to help you understand them better.

When you are approaching the examination period, focus on lesser things. Change the timetable that you used for the preparatory studies. This time around you are trying to focus on topics that are difficult and not the ones you understand already.

There is nothing like ” Last minute reading does not work in MBBS exam”. Keep reading but avoid pressure on yourself. Study everything over and over again. Meditate properly, eat well, sleep well and exercise well.

Conclusion on How to Prepare and Write MBBS Exams Successfully in 14 Days

It is not easy but it is possible for you to prepare and write the MBBS examination successfully. The information we have above have helped a whole lot of medical student to ace their exams. You too can achieve such kind of success. Plan your reading, read smartly, and make friends with seniors who have passed to get more insights. More so, have faith in God and in yourself.

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