how to study for jamb and pass excellently in 2024


It gladdens my heart each time I see young folks searching for how to study for jamb and pass excellently in 2024/2025. This shows that you are willing to do well and excel in the forthcoming exam. Yes, the next jamb exam date (Joint Admission and Matriculation Board) is not yet out, however, one thing is sure, the exam will be held in the year 2024. So there is a need for you to prepare for the exam.


Well, we are not being proud, but some of the things we are going to reveal to you here are what extra lessons and normal classes won’t teach you. These are working principles that have an excellent output rate when it comes to passing Jamb excellently in 2023. So the first step on how to study for jamb and pass excellently in 2023 is to finish this article.

The idea of passing jamb is two folds: you need to know how to study correctly and secondly, you will need to also know how to pass the exam excellently without engaging in any examination malpractices. So it does not only stop at studying for the exams, we will also show you some tricks on how to pass the jamb 2024 upcoming examination.

As we all know, you will need to write, and pass your jamb exam to be able to gain admission to any University of your choice in Nigeria. This is because it is the institutional body that is statutorily charged with the sole responsibility of admitting students into the university for their respective educational programs.

Unfortunately, ASUU is still on strike but hopefully, the issue will be resolved and students will be able to go back to school.

Admittedly, I was also scared when I was preparing for my jamb exam during my own time. I will later on in this article share with you some of my tricks which I used to study properly for the exam and get an excellent score in the jamb exam that year.

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I know how many Jamb lessons and classes I attended but it wasn’t the extra lessons or classes that did the job for me, it on how I studied to pass the exam excellently that did the most important part of the job for me. So in as much as extra lesson is good for Jamb preparation in 2024, your study and discipline is also very very important.

So, it is in your best interest that you should read this article to the end. Don’t worry, we are not going to bore you with stories but we will give you an almighty working formula to pass jamb excellently in 2024.


We are going to assume that everyone here knows and understands what Jamb means. Some young students just know that it is an exam you will need to write to get admission into the university but that is not all you need to know.

The major role of jamb is to organize entrance examinations for students who just finished writing WAEC to get admission into any higher institution. It could be a university, polytechnic, or other accredited schools by Jamb.

Additionally, some requirements should be met before you go ahead to study for your jamb in 2024. Some of them are;

  • You must have written the compulsory WAEC for senior secondary school students. You have to pass your WAEC to think of writing Jamb.
  • You must write the Jamb examination in an accredited school or center. Once you register for your Jamb, you will be given an examination center where your exam will hold.
  • The Jamb examination is now computer-based as compared to the old paper and pencil. This means that you should endeavor to undergo some basic classes on computer lessons to help you write your jamb successfully.
    You must purchase your Jamb form and do the necessary registration. The form is not yet out, we will keep you updated as to when and how to purchase and register for your 2024 jamb examination successfully.


One thing I will have to state here is that this is not the first time you are going to sit for an examination. So you should not think that it is going to be something different. The only different thing is that Jamb is more intense as compared to the usual promotional school exams that you usually write every term during your secondary school days.

So let us get it all laid out for you. How should you study for your jamb to pass it excellently in 2024?

Well, I stumbled upon a hilarious question on google search where some people search for: How to write and pass Jamb without studying? I do not know if they expect Cinderella to come with a magic pen and do some incantations to make them pass their jamb. Lol. Well, there is only one way to pass your Jamb excellently and that is by reading and studying for it ahead of time.

Now follow these almighty formulas to study and pass your Jamb with ease. You know preparing for Jamb could either be a nightmare for you or it could be a hobby. It all depends on how you lay your bed and so you shall…

Familiarize yourself with the Official Jamb Brochure: A jamb brochure is a small booklet that contains information concerning the courses, universities, and topics and the syllabus you should focus on when you are studying for your exam.

It also has information about the recommended textbooks and the expected outcome of each exercise. Well, the brochure should be your first compass or timetable if you want to study very well for your exam. You can easily get the brochure on the Jamb official website using this link.

The Jamb brochure is in a PDF format, so ensure that your device can access the PDF files before downloading them. After downloading them, focus more on the topics and you will see things like” Outcome”.

The outcome suggests areas where you will be examined in the exam. Since it shows you what they want you to know, it means that you will be tested in those areas.

Get At least one of the Recommended Texts Available: Remember that we had earlier told you that you will find the recommended text in the Jamb brochure. Now one of the best ways to ensure that you study rightly for your Jamb is to get those recommended textbooks. The gist here is not for you to go to the market or book shop and buy all the books on each subject. Under the recommended text, there is more than one recommended, so you should not buy all of them. You can’t read everything.

Instead, when you want to the book shop, check out all the recommended texts first and have a quick look at them, go with the one that you will easily understand and pay for it. Remember, buying all the textbooks won’t make you score in Jamb so do the right thing and be focused.

Draft Your Time Table/Reading Plan: This is the planning stage. Now you have gotten the recommended texts that you will need and you already know the topics that you should also cover. Now how do you read and study for the jamb to get a high score? The only to do that is to draft a reading timetable. I believe that you are used to the idea of what one looks like.

When you have your timetable distribute the subjects evenly and accord the same time to them. Follow your timetable consistently knowing that you are on a serious business as you do not want to go through the same of failing jamb as a Jambite.

Read and Study: One thing is to draft a timetable, another thing is to read and follow your timetable. This is the field where you pass or fail your Jamb exam. Do not expect to get a high score in Jamb if you do not read. It’s a garbage in-garbage out affair. Now when you want to study for your jamb to pass it excellently, there are certain things that you should do to help you study without distractions.

We have taken out our time to highlight the ways to study without getting distracted in our previous article.

Most importantly, you should do away with your phone or any form of distraction when you want to read. This would help you to read faster, efficiently, and effectively and you will understand more.

Enroll in Extra Lessons/Jamb Lessons: The importance of this cannot be over-emphasized. Jamb lessons are extra lessons organized either by schools or academic centers to specially train Jambites and prepare them for the Jamb. I am very sure that you must have seen several posters and adverts for Jamb lessons in your areas.

The truth here is that you should consider the extra lessons offered by your school if any. However, if your school is not accredited or does not offer efficient Jamb lessons, then you can go to external academic centers and get the best one for you.

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It is important that you do not go to a Jamb lesson just because your friends are there, the focus is for you to learn and study for the upcoming 2023 jamb exam. the ball is in your court and your future lies in your hands. Pay attention to the lesson and do the assignments.

Search for Extra Educational Materials on Google/Youtube for Clarification: Okay! Normally, you might find some subjects very difficult to understand or in some cases, some topics. What you have just identified is your weakness and you shouldn’t just run away from the subject or the topic. All you need to do is to use the online resources, particularly youtube videos and explanatory articles on that topic.

When you are done, go back to that topic or subject again and keep trying until you understand it. You can also ask your teachers in school questions or instructors in your academic lessons and they will help you to understand it better.

Practice JAMB CBT Questions Regularly: This is very important if you are interested in how to study for jamb and pass excellently in 2024. There are several websites and apps on the google store where you can find CBT Questions that you can attempt. It is advisable that you use the website-based CBT questions and access them with your laptop.

This is the fact that as you answer the questions, you are mastering the keys on the keyboard and it will help you to write faster in the Jamb exam. The importance of CBT questions can’t be undermined as you will be able to score your performance and have a chance to improve on it before you write the Jamb properly.


What do we mean by passing jamb excellently? What is the definition of the word excellent when it has to do with Jamb? Do you have any idea? Like what score will you get to be recognized as an excellent jamb score? We are going to answer these questions below and we will show you our master tips on how you can also get the brilliant jamb score.

An excellent or brilliant Jamb score ranges from 250 and above. Although the Jamb cut-off mark for admission into the University has been reduced to below 200, some professional courses like LAW, MEDICINE, and Nursing still require that you get a high jamb score for you to be admitted to the University to study that particular course.

So when your jamb score is above 250, you should rest assured that you have a higher chance of getting admitted to study your desired course subject to the admission limit of the university. So the trick here is to strive to get a higher score to increase your chances of getting your course in school. This will help you avoid situations like they say in pidgin English” Watin you order VS Watin dam give you”

So now that you have studied very hard for your 2024 jamb, let us show you how to pass it excellently. As we said earlier, it takes more than studying to pass jamb excellently as there are other crucial matters that some students do not take notice of when going to write the Jamb. You must follow these instructions below as they go a long way in helping you pass Jamb excellently.

Locate your examination center early: As much as you would be tempted to disregard this pre-examination preparation step, I will advise you to take promptness to centers very seriously. I remembered when my Cousin sat for the 2022 Jamb, she left for the center on the eve of her exam date. The eve of the exam date is the day before the examination day proper. This is because there was a need to arrive early. After all, we did not live close to the center.

The case here is relative and depends on your environment and the distance of the Jamb CBT center around your area. If you stay in busy cities, then in order not to be caught in traffic, you have to leave very early. The essence of doing this is that it helps you to locate your seat on time and you will be relaxed and still have time to do some quick revision before the exam starts.

Do not go to the Examination Centre with Contraband Materials: One thing that could stop you from participating in the exam despite your studious preparations is when you come into the examination center with devices or materials not allowed. One of the major devices not allowed into the examination center is your mobile phones and smartwatches. So if you are caught with any of the above, be sure that it’s either you won’t sit for the exam or you will have to start later than your mates in the exam.

The reason for the embargo placed on phones and gadgets is to avoid and reduce the rate of examination malpractice in JAMB. It is a serious and punishable offense under Nigeria Laws to be engaged in malpractice. You can go to jail for it. So even if you study well, and you are found with materials not allowed, it is highly probable that you won’t pass your Jamb excellently as you wished.

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Avoid making Noise, Cheating, or Talking before or during the Exam: Okay! Now here is the deal. When you get to the examination center and you must have completed the preliminary biometric checking and initial clearance, you should locate your system. Sit quietly and avoid all urges to talk or speak at that moment. Take out that time and memorize quickly internally what you have been studying so far. Start when you are asked to start and strictly avoid talking, and cheating during the exam as it amounts to malpractice. You should also be more relaxed when answering the questions.

Rules for Reading, and Answering Jamb Questions successfully (Time Management): One of the ways how to pass jamb excellently in 2024 is to understand how to manage your time. Each course is allotted a particular time which is automated.

This means that once your time is up, the system logs you out completely and you auto-submit your answers. To increase your pace, you should read each question carefully and in a quick manner. You are reading to understand the question and you should provide the answers immediately. Ensure that your answers are concise, simple, and understandable.

When writing the objective section, you should tick the correct option or nearly correct option when you are not so sure of the right answer. More so, when you do not know the answer to a question, skip it and go to the next question because you know that each objective questions carry an equal mark. So you should avoid unnecessary delays in answering your questions.

These are some of the things you won’t be told in schools and Jamb lessons. The other section is the Essay section which allows you to express your thoughts. This is where the real work lies. Firstly, you should know that the arrangement of the alphabet on the keyboard is the same arrangement that you have on your android and iPhone devices. Try and be fast then answer the questions and use your basic computer typing skills to increase your speed in writing.

Review Answers and Attend to Unanswered Questions: Well, this is the last but not the least stage on how to study for jamb and pass excellently in 2024. Here, you are advised to go over your answers to the questions and double-check them. Check critically for spelling and some grammatical errors in your essay section and correct them promptly. Then go over to the objective section, take your time and review the answers that you have supplied.

If you have any unanswered questions, you should try as much as possible to supply the answers that you believe are nearly correct among the options that you have. Please avoid picking options at random and in an indiscriminate manner.

Although some people feel that it works, it’s a bad habit and you get unlucky most times because you might know the answer the second time that you read the question again rather than just picking answers at random. When you are sure that you have attempted all the questions available, then you can click on the submit button.

NOTE: The fact that you are writing a CBT Jamb exam means that it could be affected by internet failure as it happens sometimes. If you experience an unfortunate incident, do not hesitate to alert the Jamb officials immediately.

Avoid complaining to your colleague or disturbing the exam. Additionally, if you were inadvertently logged out before time you should also alert them to prompt assistance as this can make or mar your Jamb examination performance.


Well, I am sure that you are just a mile away from getting a high score in Jamb 2023/2024. The article above is like drugs dispensed to a sick patient, if the patient takes the drugs as prescribed, the patient will in all things being equal get better. So you have known how to study for jamb and pass excellently in 2024/2025.

The remaining task for you to do is to implement what we have said and you can come back here and give your testimony. Endeavor to always come back here to get JAMB news updates which will help you not to miss out on any important information.

Meanwhile, if you have any questions, simply drop them in the comment box and we will be glad to help you.

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